16 research outputs found

    Proceedings of the 5th bwHPC Symposium

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    In modern science, the demand for more powerful and integrated research infrastructures is growing constantly to address computational challenges in data analysis, modeling and simulation. The bwHPC initiative, founded by the Ministry of Science, Research and the Arts and the universities in Baden-Württemberg, is a state-wide federated approach aimed at assisting scientists with mastering these challenges. At the 5th bwHPC Symposium in September 2018, scientific users, technical operators and government representatives came together for two days at the University of Freiburg. The symposium provided an opportunity to present scientific results that were obtained with the help of bwHPC resources. Additionally, the symposium served as a platform for discussing and exchanging ideas concerning the use of these large scientific infrastructures as well as its further development

    Virtualized Research Environments on the bwForCluster NEMO

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    The bwForCluster NEMO offers high performance computing resources to three quite different scientific communities (Elementary Particle Physics, Neuroscience and Microsystems Engineering) encompassing more than 200 individual researchers. To provide a broad range of software packages and deal with the individual requirements, the NEMO operators seek novel approaches to cluster operation [1]. Virtualized Research Environments (VREs) can help to both separate different software environments as well as the responsibilities for maintaining the software stack. Research groups become more independent from the base software environment defined by the cluster operators. Operating VREs brings advantages like scientific reproducibility, but may introduce caveats like lost cycles or the need for layered job scheduling. VREs might open advanced possibilities as e.g. job migration or checkpointing

    The NEST software development infrastructure

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    Software development in the Computational Sciences has reached a critical level of complexity in the recent years. This “complexity bottleneck” occurs for both the programming languages and technologies that are used during development and for the infrastructure, which is needed to sustain the development of large-scale software projects and keep the code base manageable [1].As the development shifts from specialized and solution-tailored in-house code (often developed by a single or only few developers) towards more general software packages written by larger teams of programmers, it becomes inevitable to use professional software engineering tools also in the realm of scientific software development. In addition the move to collaboration-based large-scale projects (e.g. BrainScaleS) also means a larger user base, which depends and relies on the quality and correctness of the code.In this contribution, we present the tools and infrastructure that have been introduced over the years to support the development of NEST, a simulator for large networks of spiking neuronal networks [2]. In particular, we show our use of• version control systems• bug tracking software• web-based wiki and blog engines• frameworks for carrying out unit tests• systems for continuous integration.References:[1] Gregory Wilson (2006). Where's the Real Bottleneck in Scientific Computing? American Scientist, 94(1): 5-6, doi:10.1511/2006.1.5.[2] Marc-Oliver Gewaltig and Markus Diesmann (2007) NEST (Neural Simulation Tool), Scholarpedia, 2(4): 1430

    A Sorting Hat For Clusters. Dynamic Provisioning of Compute Nodes for Colocated Large Scale Computational Research Infrastructures

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    Current large scale computational research infrastructures are composed of multitudes of compute nodes fitted with similar or identical hardware. For practical purposes, the deployment of the software operating environment to each compute node is done in an automated fashion. If a data centre hosts more than one of these systems – for example cloud and HPC clusters – it is beneficial to use the same provisioning method for all of them. The uniform provisioning approach unifies administration of the various systems and allows flexible dedication and reconfiguration of computational resources. In particular, we will highlight the requirements on the underlying network infrastructure for unified remote boot but segregated service operations. Building upon this, we will present the Boot Selection Service, allowing for the addition, removal or rededication of a node to a given research infrastructure with a simple reconfiguration

    bwForCluster NEMO. Forschungscluster für die Wissenschaft

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    In den ersten zweieinhalb Jahren seiner Betriebszeit entwickelte sich der bwFor- Cluster NEMO zu einem signifikanten Baustein in den landesweiten Forschungsinfrastrukturen für das »High Performance Computing«. Der in der Zwischenzeit erhebliche Ausbau und die Erweiterung des Systems durch Shareholder ist ein Beleg für die Tragfähigkeit seines Betriebsmodells und das Vertrauen in das landesweite HPC-Konzept. Hierzu tragen nicht nur die lokale und landesweite Governance bei, sondern ebenfalls der enge Austausch innerhalb der NEMO-Community. Mit dem System wird eine stabile Umgebung für die diversen Bedürfnisse der Wissenschafts-Communities bereitgestellt. Parallel dazu werden neue Betriebsund Monitoring-Konzepte entwickelt und getestet. Aktuelle und neuartige Herausforderungen liegen in der Unterstützung von »Virtualisierten Forschungsumgebungen « und zukünftigen digitalen Workflows ebenso wie in der Containerisierung und der Implementierung effektiver Betriebsmodelle gemeinsam mit den am Standort Freiburg betriebenen Cloud-Infrastrukturen


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    Dynamic provisioning of a HEP computing infrastructure on a shared hybrid HPC system

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    Experiments in high-energy physics (HEP) rely on elaborate hardware, software and computing systems to sustain the high data rates necessary to study rare physics processes. The Institut fr Experimentelle Kernphysik (EKP) at KIT is a member of the CMS and Belle II experiments, located at the LHC and the Super-KEKB accelerators, respectively. These detectors share the requirement, that enormous amounts of measurement data must be processed and analyzed and a comparable amount of simulated events is required to compare experimental results with theoretical predictions. Classical HEP computing centers are dedicated sites which support multiple experiments and have the required software pre-installed. Nowadays, funding agencies encourage research groups to participate in shared HPC cluster models, where scientist from different domains use the same hardware to increase synergies. This shared usage proves to be challenging for HEP groups, due to their specialized software setup which includes a custom OS (often Scientific Linux), libraries and applications. To overcome this hurdle, the EKP and data center team of the University of Freiburg have developed a system to enable the HEP use case on a shared HPC cluster. To achieve this, an OpenStack-based virtualization layer is installed on top of a bare-metal cluster. While other user groups can run their batch jobs via the Moab workload manager directly on bare-metal, HEP users can request virtual machines with a specialized machine image which contains a dedicated operating system and software stack. In contrast to similar installations, in this hybrid setup, no static partitioning of the cluster into a physical and virtualized segment is required. As a unique feature, the placement of the virtual machine on the cluster nodes is scheduled by Moab and the job lifetime is coupled to the lifetime of the virtual machine. This allows for a seamless integration with the jobs sent by other user groups and honors the fairshare policies of the cluster. The developed thin integration layer between OpenStack and Moab can be adapted to other batch servers and virtualization systems, making the concept also applicable for other cluster operators. This contribution will report on the concept and implementation of an OpenStack-virtualized cluster used for HEP work ows. While the full cluster will be installed in spring 2016, a test-bed setup with 800 cores has been used to study the overall system performance and dedicated HEP jobs were run in a virtualized environment over many weeks. Furthermore, the dynamic integration of the virtualized worker nodes, depending on the workload at the institute\u27s computing system, will be described

    Dynamic Virtualized Deployment of Particle Physics Environments on a High Performance Computing Cluster

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    The NEMO High Performance Computing Cluster at the University of Freiburg has been made available to researchers of the ATLAS and CMS experiments. Users access the cluster from external machines connected to the World-wide LHC Computing Grid (WLCG). This paper describes how the full software environment of the WLCG is provided in a virtual machine image. The interplay between the schedulers for NEMO and for the external clusters is coordinated through the ROCED service. A cloud computing infrastructure is deployed at NEMO to orchestrate the simultaneous usage by bare metal and virtualized jobs. Through the setup, resources are provided to users in a transparent, automatized, and on-demand way. The performance of the virtualized environment has been evaluated for particle physics applications

    Proceedings of the 4th bwHPC Symposium

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    The bwHPC Symposium 2017 took place on October 4th, 2017, Alte Aula, Tübingen. It focused on the presentation of scientific computing projects as well as on the progress and the success stories of the bwHPC realization concept. The event offered a unique opportunity to engage in an active dialogue between scientific users, operators of bwHPC sites, and the bwHPC support team

    Storage infrastructures to support advanced scientific workflows. Towards research data management aware storage infrastructures

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    The operators of the federated research infrastructures at the involved HPC computer centers face the challenge of how to provide storage services in an increasingly diverse landscape. Large data sets are often created on one system and computed or visualized on a different one. Therefore cooperation across institutional boundaries becomes a significant factor in modern research. Traditional HPC workflows assume certain preliminaries like POSIX file systems which cannot be changed on a whim. A modern research data management aware storage system needs to bridge from the existing landscape of network file systems into a world of flexible scientific workflows and data management. In addition to the integration of large scale object storage concepts, the long term identification of data sets, their owners, and the definition of necessary meta data becomes a challenge. No existing storage solution on the market meets all of the requirements, and thus the bwHPC-S5 project must implement these features. The joint procurement and later operation of the system will deepen the cooperation between the involved computer centers and communities. The transition to this new system will need to be organized together with the scientific communities being shareholders in the storage system. Finally, the created storage infrastructures have to fit well into the growing Research Data Repositories landscape